Necessity is the mother of invention.
As my journey into deeper exploration continues, I encounter more and more individuals either on the same path as me, or those that are curious about beginning to explore deeper territories of their own and seeking out shared experiences.
Extreme Sports like depth play require knowledge of the hazards and the proper tools in hand to help keep risks minimized. SquarePeg’s introduction of SuperSoft as the material of choice for today’s toy makers has allowed us to have much better tools for depth exploration in the modern era. Yet even for the most experienced among us, deeper play through the Third Ring and into the Sigmoid has always been fraught with confusing internal signals and a lack of clear and concise medical information on the physiology of the area, so that playing deep has been something most of us have done on faith.
But times are changing, and new medical research in mapping out and describing the lower intestine in detail has been occurring in the field of colonoscopy. In an effort to automate the process, the information the medical establishment is revealing is benefiting my own play in new ways. My Health and Safety pages have been updated to incorporate this new information, and references to the research articles cited are provided at the bottom of the Intro page.
With new corroborating information at hand, these new toy designs are designed entirely with the Third Ring in mind, the Slim Longneck as a beginning to intermediate training tool, the Tickler as a more advanced manipulation toy for play. Please visit their product pages for more information.