SquarePegToys® News

15 yr Anniversary Celebration to be Remembered

It was a great year in 2012 celebrating my 15th year.  Meeting so many dildo fans, visiting all the retail stores, raising just over $13,000 for local charities… made it a year I will remember for a very long time. Thank You to all who participated and an extra thanks to those of you who were generous with your donations. I am humbled.

Cyber Monday Sale Nov 28th, 2011

All day Monday November 28th, 2011 get 15% off all your toys!  Free domestic shipping on orders over $300 still applies too! (net price after discount)

Sales here a SquarePegToys® are a rare event, don’t let this one pass you by!

Sale ends at Midnight on Monday, Pacific Time

New toys released June 1st, 2011

Here they are! some new toys and tails for your enjoyment.  This latest batch seems to include several depth toys, which I wasn’t aware of until I was making the molds. Seems I’m getting into the depth thing myself lately! Look under “Featured Toys” to see all the new models at once. More toys to come over the next month, I’ll always place them on the “Featured” page first.


Scott of SquarePeg Toys rides for team TPAN

Scott Douglas, owner and creator of SquarePegToys® is riding in the upcoming Ride for Aids Chicago 2011, July 9th and 10th. Over 2 days he’ll be riding by bicycle from Evanston, IL to Lake Geneva, WI and back – 200 miles in all. TPAN has been committed to maintaining a community center to empower anyone affected by HIV/AIDS since 1987 and melds well with Scott’s philosophy of safe and informed play on all levels, both personally and through SquarePegToys®.

We ask you to help Scott make the biggest impact he can with his efforts. No pledge is too small. It’s the combined voices of many that will always triumph.

You can view Scott’s personal pledge page here:


To learn more about TPAN go to www.tpan.com

SquarePeg Toys to be at IML

SquarePegToys® is going to be in Chicago again this year for the annual IML convention at the Hyatt Regency downtown, May 27 – May 30. The Vendor Market is open to the adult public so if you’re in the Chicago area and want to see the whole line and be the first to see the new toy releases, or just to say “hi” I’d love to see you!  go to www.imrl.com for complete schedule.

Make Your Own Dildo – Cleveland

The Make Your Own Dildo workshop was a success at the 10th annual CLAW week-end in Cleveland, OH. 20 guys and gals had their own creative expressions cast into usable Platinum grade silicone toys, raising $1000 for charity. Thanks to all who participated and look for future MYOD workshops in the coming year!